<aside> ℹ️ Understanding the financial aspect of your stay at Vitalia is crucial for a smooth experience. This wiki page aims to provide comprehensive information on the pricing options, potential discounts, and upgrades available for residents and visitors alike.


Base Pricing

Vitalia Access Pass: $500. It includes access to events, free breakfast, and other amenities.

Vitalia Housing: The prices range from $500 - $2,500 per room per month, based on quality and whether you are open to sharing a villa or room.

We have more applications than rooms and we are accepting new people on a rolling basis.

Scholarships are available.

Flexible Rates

We understand that financial circumstances can vary, particularly for residents from low-income countries or for those who are early-stage entrepreneurs or scientists. In such cases, we are offering some scholarships tailored to your situation.

Examples of Properties, each with options for non-private and private rooms


Upgrading your stay for a more luxurious experience (greater than the base price) is an option. Possible upgrades include:

Discount Options

There are several ways to bring down your costs:

Early Application Benefits